For my senior project at Duke Ellington, myself, Nick Bonilla, Will Davis, and Fitz Morrissey created an art installation. Our installation, A Dive In, aims to showcase the relationship between our ocean and marine pollution. Utilizing found materials, lighting technology, and sound design, A Dive In illustrates the serenity that exists under the sea when humans are at rest, but also, the disruption that occurs once humans infiltrate the ocean. The purpose behind the sound and lighting design sequence is to illustrate the contrast between human interference and peace on the ocean floor. When the humans are at rest at night - illustrated by low lighting and a pearly moon, the ocean floor is serene with the creatures lit with little shadow. However, as the day breaks, shown by rays of sun reflecting into the ocean floor, and humans rise, disruption begins. Scroll down to see photos, the Vectorworks plot I created, our abstract, equipment list, schedule, and a full length video of the immersive experience. 

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